Make Your VisionA Priority Always

Welcome ToVizen Optometric Centerin San Gabriel, CA

Dr. Judy Cao, OD and Vizen Optometric Center is well known for their services in pediatrics, vision therapy/neuro-optometry rehabilitation, myopia control and dry eye treatment. She has an immense passion working with infants, children with learning-related vision problems, autism spectrum disorders, lazy eye, crossed eye, stroke, brain injury patients and many more. Dr. Cao was also wholeheartedly honored to be awarded America's Best Optometrists and Best Rated Pediatric Optometrist. At Vizen Optometric Center, our eye doctor and team are committed to providing optimal vision care to each and every one of our patients. 

Advanced Eyecare

Advanced Eyecare

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Our Most Popular Service

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are a vital aspect of preventive eye care. Without routine eye exams, vision issues often go undetected since most eye disorders don't have clear symptoms.

​​​​​​​Dry Eye Treatment

While dry eye isn’t a serious condition, it can have a major impact on your quality of life. You may find your eyes get tired faster or you have difficulty reading. Not to mention the discomfort of a burning sensation or blurry vision. 

Myopia Management

Myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, is a condition where individuals are able to see objects that are close to them but may have difficulty distinguishing things at a distance, such as road signs or leaves on a tree.

Pediatric Eye Care

Regular eye exams are important for children since their eyes can change significantly in as little as a year as the muscles and tissue develop. Good eyesight is critical for a child’s life and achievements since success in school is closely tied to eye health.


Amblyopia, also known as a “lazy eye”, is described as a reduced vision in one eye compared to the other. There are some rare forms of amblyopia that involve both eyes. Amblyopia is the most common cause of partial or total blindness in one eye in children.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is a treatment plan that is intended to develop and improve a patient’s visual skills and abilities, with the goal of making their day-to-day life easier. You may also hear Vision Therapy referred to as VT. Although most commonly associated with children, whose visual skills are still naturally developing, adults can also benefit from vision therapy.

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