

A tonometer refers to the equipment that is used in tonometry – a test that measures the pressure inside your eyes, also known as intraocular pressure or IOP for short. Tonometry is rarely performed at your average comprehensive eye exam unless you are at high risk of or have been already diagnosed with glaucoma. Fortunately, tonometry can be used to detect changes in eye pressure before they cause any symptoms, enabling prompt action to be taken before your vision is affected.

About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common eye condition that occurs when the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain, becomes damaged. It’s normally caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which causes the pressure inside the eyes to build. As the pressure increases, the optic nerve becomes increasingly damaged, and this prevents messages from being transmitted between your eyes and brain effectively. As a result, the patient’s vision becomes compromised. Without treatment, the level of vision loss will continue to increase. Unfortunately, any vision that has been lost as a result of glaucoma cannot be restored.

Most of the time, glaucoma develops very slowly which means that many people don’t realize that they are affected until some damage to their vision has already occurred. However, occasionally glaucoma can develop quickly, and symptoms do occur.

These can include:

  • Red eyes

  • Intense headaches

  • Tenderness around the eyes

  • Eye pain

  • Seeing rings/halos around lights

  • Blurred vision

  • Nausea and vomiting

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important that you make an appointment with your eye doctor right away so that you can be assessed. You are likely to have a tonometry test as part of this assessment.

What to expect from tonometry testing

There are various methods of tonometry testing, but many eye doctors use either Goldmann tonometry, which is the conventional technique to measure eye pressure, or electronic tonometry.

Goldmann tonometry testing is carried out using the Goldmann applanation tonometer, which is attached to a slit lamp microscope. This requires anesthetic eye drops to be used which numb your eyes, before a small probe is pressed gently against the eye, indenting the cornea. The pressure that the cornea pushes back onto the tonometer is what is measured to give your IOP reading. Electronic tonometry is where a handheld, mobile device is gently and quickly applied to the cornea to check the pressure, providing an accurate reading. Some eye doctors also offer non-contact tonometry which is where a puff of air is used to flatten the cornea, although this is reported to be less accurate than the Goldmann technique.

If you would like to find out more about Tonometry testing, please call our office to speak with our dedicated eyecare professionals.

Lumenis Optilight IPL

Millions of people suffer from eye and vision-related problems. For some, the solution is as simple as wearing prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, others face challenges that aren’t as easy to rectify. That’s where Lumenis comes into play.

As a world leader in minimally invasive clinical solutions for both ophthalmology and aesthetic markets, it’s making a significant difference. Not only does Lumenis develop advanced energy-based technologies, but it also commercializes them.

The company continues to find innovative solutions. However, it’s already provided the fields of ophthalmology and aesthetic with remarkable technologies. OptiLight is just one example.


Eye and Vision-Related Solution


The company invented the first and only technology to treat individuals for dry eye disease caused by MGD. Not only is it approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but also patented. Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT) makes it easier to successfully manage this particular eye disease. Overall, OptiLight is safe, precise, comfortable, and effective.


Managing Symptoms


According to recent statistics, roughly 22% of the U.S. population suffers from dry eye disease along with MGD. That combination leads to an array of uncomfortable symptoms.

Dry eye occurs when a person’s eyes don’t produce adequate tears to keep them lubricated or when tears don’t work the way they should. MGD is a condition that affects the small glands in the eyelid responsible for making the oil layer for tears.

Having to deal with one of these problems is bad enough. However, living with both can prove debilitating for some people. Thanks to OptiLight, people with the two conditions get much-needed relief. Here are the ways this advanced technology helps:

  • Reduces inflammatory mediators, which, thereby, prevents inflammation

  • Improves tear breakup time that, in response, decreases osmolarity

  • Alleviates abnormal blood vessels that commonly cause inflammation

  • Restores meibomian glands so they function properly

  • Decreases demodex mites that cause infection and the accumulation of bacteria on the eyelids


What Does OptiLight Consist Of?


As part of this revolutionary system, ophthalmologists and optometrists can select different devices based on their needs.

Patented OPT Handpiece

Not two people have identical faces. Even among twins, facial contours differ, even if slightly. To ensure excellent results, this handpiece allows ophthalmologists and optometrists to customize treatments to cover every curve.

Ergonomic IPL Handpiece

To treat a broader area, Lumenis recommends this option. Patented with SapphireCool technology, it breaks the cycle of inflammation associated with dry eye disease caused by MGD.


For maximum energy control, the Opti-Tip focuses light energy on more delicate areas. As with the other Lumenis devices, it’s safe and effective. At the same time, the Opti-Tip is 100% hygienic.


Key Benefits of OptiLight


OptiLight utilizes embedded settings that adhere to strict protocols, making it safe and effective tool.

Additionally, they use Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT), which transforms light-based therapy. As a result, ophthalmologists and optometrists can treat the eyes with absolute precision and control. That’s because while this technology provides optimal energy, it never has spike inconsistencies.

Doctors can treat a patient in just 15 minutes. Specifically for dry eye disease with MGD, it provides an improvement in just four sessions.

The Bottom Line


Lumenis dedicated years to develop OptiLight. Now, eye doctors can incorporate a system into their practice to provide better patient care.


Neurolens are the first and only prescription lenses that include an element of contoured prism in their design. This prism is designed to bring the patient’s eyes into more equal alignment, and this should help to provide relief from the symptoms that are associated with several eye misalignment conditions, including digital eye strain and binocular vision dysfunction.

What is digital eye strain?

Digital eye strain is the name given to describe a group of symptoms that can occur when someone spends long periods of time using digital devices. Since using digital devices requires the eyes to work harder than normal and we don’t always position our devices the perfect distance away, it can lead to issues such as eye pain, dry and irritated eyes, eye fatigue, light sensitivity and blurred vision. Unsurprisingly, the number of people who are experiencing digital eye strain has grown significantly over the last few years and is expected to continue to do so.


What is binocular vision dysfunction?

Binocular vision dysfunction, also known as BVD for short, is another eye condition but is one that is very misunderstood. Binocular vision dysfunction occurs when the eyes aren’t perfectly aligned, causing your brain and eyes to work harder than normal in order to create a clear visual image and remain focused. This places pressure on the trigeminal nerve, which is the nerve that is responsible for the majority of the sensations that we experience in our head and back. BVD can often manifest as other things owing to the huge range of symptoms that are associated with the condition. These can include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Blurred vision

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Double vision

  • Motion sickness

  • Vertigo

  • Dizziness

  • Anxiety


Many people don’t think to visit an eye doctor when they are experiencing these symptoms, but all can occur simply because the eyes are out of alignment.


What are Neurolens lenses and how do they help?

As well as containing your usual prescription, Neurolens lenses also contain a specific amount of contoured micro-prism. This micro-prism alters the position of images so that they are aligned in the same plane. This then reduces the pressure on the muscles around the eyes as well as bringing the eyes into alignment, easing the symptoms that the patient has been experiencing.

The amount of prism in Neurolens lenses is decided using the Neurolens eye-tracking device. This non-invasively measures the misalignment that the patient is experiencing, and this is used to form the basis for the patient’s Neurolens prescription. After this, it’s fairly normal for the amount of prism to need to be adjusted by infinitesimal amounts to achieve the optimal relief from your symptoms. Most patients who choose Neurolens treatment see a 50% improvement in their vision as soon as they start to have micro-prism incorporated into their prescription lenses. However, with careful adjustments, many patients see as much as an 80% reduction in the effects of digital eye strain and binocular vision dysfunction.

Want more information about Neurolens? Please contact our knowledgeable eye care specialists.  

Lens Technology

Thanks to the advancement of lens technology, glasses lenses are no longer a single, one size fits all solution. There are a variety of different lens types that can be used in glasses, giving patients greater flexibility and control over their vision than ever before.

Single Vision Lenses

Also known as monovision lenses, these lenses are designed to correct the wearer’s vision at just one distance, and have a single prescription covering the entire surface of the lens. They are most often recommended for people who are either nearsighted (myopia) or farsighted (hyperopia) and who need glasses for a specific activity, such as driving or reading.

Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses are multifocal lenses that can correct a patient’s vision at different working distances, ranging from far distance to reading distance. However, rather than designating different areas on the lenses for different distances with visible lines separating them, progressive lenses have a gradual change so that the wearer can smoothly transition from one lens power to another.

Bifocal and Trifocal Lenses

As you may have guessed from the name, bifocal and trifocal lenses have either two or three lens powers depending on which type you choose. Bifocal lenses support distance vision in the top half of the lens, and near vision in the lower half. Trifocal lenses support distance vision in the top third of the lens, intermediate vision in the middle segment and near vision in the bottom third. Whichever variety you choose, you will see visible lines separating each segment.

Bifocal and trifocal lenses are recommended for patients who are near or farsighted, and those who develop presbyopia, which is the natural hardening of the eye lens, that occurs as we get older. Presbyopia makes it harder for the lens of the eye to adapt to focus at different distances.

Multifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses are the alternative name given to bifocal, trifocal and progressive lenses.

Computer Lenses

Computer lenses are prescription lenses that are specifically designed to be worn when doing computer work. This is because they place the optimum lens power for viewing your computer screen exactly where you need it – which is closer than intermediate vision, but further away than reading material is usually held. Wearing computer lenses can significantly reduce the negative effects caused by the high visual demands of computer work, including blurred vision, redness, dry eyes, double vision and dizziness.

Transition Lenses

Also known as photochromic lenses, transition lenses are a special type of lens that darken when in the sunlight and lighten when in softer light or the dark. This versatility gives the wearer the convenience of being able to move between different environments without needing to change their glasses. This makes them extremely cost effective and prevent the wearer from needing to take multiple pairs of glasses out with them. Transition lenses also filter out many of the harmful UV rays that are emitted from the sun, helping to keep eyes healthy too. They are ideal for people who spend a lot of time going between inside and outside, or who work outside in varying weather conditions.

Blue Light Lenses

Blue light lenses are specially crafted lenses that contain filters that block out much of the artificial blue light that is produced by digital devices like computers, smartphones and tablets. Natural blue light is actually good for balancing our sleep-wake cycle, boosting our mood and enhancing our cognitive abilities so that we can function better day to day. However, too much blue light, especially from artificial sources, can have the opposite effect. Many people who fail to use blue light lenses can go on to develop digital eye strain, which produces symptoms like eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches and more. Blue light lenses are recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time working on a digital device.

Polarized Lenses

Polarized lenses are used to reduce eyestrain and improve the quality of vision in patients on especially sunny days, making them ideal for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors. They can do this because they have a special filter that blocks some of the light from passing through the lens. Vertical light is allowed to pass through, while horizontal light, such as that which bounces off of water and can be blinding, is blocked. Polarized lenses are most often used in sunglasses since they are worn outdoors, and the wearer also needs to protect their eyes from UV damage.

Still have questions about which lens is right for you? Contact us to schedule an eye exam or an appointment to evaluate your individual needs.

Dry Eye Specialist

Dry Eye can have a major impact on your quality of life. You may find your eyes get tired faster or you have difficulty reading. Not to mention the discomfort of a burning sensation or blurry vision. Let’s take a look at dry eye treatments – from simple self-care to innovative prescriptions and therapies – to help you see clearly and comfortably.

What is Dry Eye?

Understanding dry eye will help you determine the best treatment option. Dry eye occurs when a person doesn't have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears reduce eye infections, wash away foreign matter, and keep the eye’s surface smooth and clear. People with dry eyes either do not produce enough tears or their tears are poor quality. It’s a common and often chronic problem, especially in older adults.

Preventive Self-Care

Before we delve into more serious dry eye treatment options, here are a few simple self-care options that can manage minor cases of dry eye.

  • Blink regularly when reading or staring at a computer screen for a long time.

  • Make sure there’s adequate humidity in the air at work and at home.

  • Wear sunglasses outside to reduce sun and wind exposure. Wraparound glasses are best.

  • Take supplements with essential fatty acids as these may decrease dry eye symptoms.

  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to avoid dehydration.

  • Find out if any of your prescriptions have dry eye as a side effect and if so, see if you can take an alternative.

Artificial Tears

For mild cases of dry eyes, the best option is over-the-counter eye drops. Here are a few tips for selecting the right one:

  • Low viscosity – These artificial tears are watery. They often provide quick relief with little or no blurring of your vision, but their effect can be brief, and sometimes you must use these drops frequently to get adequate relief.

  • High viscosity – These are more gel-like and provide longer-lasting lubrication. However, these drops can cause significant blurring of your vision for several minutes. For this reason, high-viscosity artificial tears are recommended at bedtime.

Prescription Dry Eye Treatments

There are several prescriptions that treat dry eye differently. Your eye doctor can advise the best option for your situation.

  • Contact Lenses – There are specialty contact lenses that deliver moisture to the surface of the eye. They’re called scleral lenses or bandage lenses.

  • Antibiotics– If your eyelids are inflamed, this can prevent oil glands from secreting oil into your tears. Your doctor may recommend antibiotics to reduce inflammation.

Cosmetic Services

We all want to look our best and in the last decade, we have seen a significant increase in the number of people seeking cosmetic services in order to enhance their appearance. With our eyes being our most distinguishing feature, we want to make the most of them. Thankfully there is now a range of cosmetic services that can help to rejuvenate our eyes and the area around them to keep them fresh, young and wrinkle-free. 

Let’s take a look at some of the services on offer.

Pigment removal

The brown pigment spots that appear on the face are often referred to as age spots and are a result of sun exposure. With age, the repeated exposure to UV rays causes melanin, a compound that is responsible for pigmentation and protecting the skin begins to clump together to form an area of hyperpigmentation. Whilst they aren’t any cause for concern, many people feel that they look unsightly. Luckily, there are a number of different treatments that you can get to remove them including topical creams, laser therapy, and chemical peels.

If you are suffering from darker pigmentation then we strongly recommend that you make an appointment with a qualified dermatologist who will recommend the best course of treatment for you, based on your specific needs.

LASIK Procedure

If you are one of the thousands of people considering LASIK laser eye surgery, then you will probably be gathering as much information as possible about the treatment. By this point, you are probably aware of the benefits that LASIK offers, such as a reduced or eliminated need for glasses or contact lenses and greater convenience in your day to day life. However, for many patients, despite the advantages of LASIK, the thought of surgery on their eyes is still a cause of anxiety and fear. One of the best ways to alleviate this concern is to find out more about what the procedure entails.

Your consultation

Before you can be approved for any form of laser vision correction, including LASIK, you will need to attend a consultation appointment with your surgeon. During the consultation, he will perform an examination of your eyes and use your medical and ocular history to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. He will also speak to you about the expected outcome from your surgery, making you aware that while LASIK will dramatically improve your eyesight, there is no guarantee that you will not need to wear glasses in some situations, such as while driving in the dark. 

How LASIK Works

LASIK uses a cool, ultraviolet beam of light to reshape the patient’s cornea. Doing so will more accurately focus the light that enters the eye on to the retina, thus improving the patient’s vision. The way in which the cornea needs to be reshaped will depend on the visual needs of the patient. For example, a patient who is far-sighted will need their cornea reshaping to be steeper to experience better eyesight. Alternatively, a patient who is near-sighted will require their cornea to be flattened in order to improve their vision. LASIK can also smooth an irregular cornea into a more standard shape, meaning that the procedure can also be used to correct astigmatism.

The LASIK procedure

The LASIK procedure is very fast and straightforward. Although you will probably be in the surgical suite for around half an hour, the actual process only takes a couple of minutes per eye. The rest of the time will be spent preparing and ensuring that you are comfortable. Anesthetic eye drops are given to patients before their procedure so that the entire process is pain-free. If you are particularly anxious, it may also be possible for you to be slightly sedated – this should be discussed with your doctor at your consultation appointment.

Once you are in position, we will use a femtosecond laser to cut a thin, circular flap into the outer cornea. This can then be pulled back to reveal the underlying corneal tissue, known as the stroma so that it can be reshaped using the laser. The exact path that the laser needs to take, known as the topography, will have been pre-programmed ahead of the procedure and can be followed with complete precision and accuracy.

Once the reshaping is complete, the flap is replaced back over the eye and the surgery is complete. There is no need for sutures or bandages as the cornea will start to heal immediately and without any medical intervention.