Chronic “Clumsiness” -Might Indicate a Vision Problem

Everyone makes silly mistakes from time to time. And to be fair,unexpected spilled drinks, bumped heads and slips, and trips canbe pretty funny. It’s less funny, however, when these mistakes become daily and lead to harm or injury. While there are many reasons for clumsiness, what most people don’t know is that clumsiness sometimes stems from a treatable binocular vision issue. Here are some common binocular vision conditions that frequently cause clumsiness:

  • Lazy eye (amblyopia)
  • Eye turn/Wandering eye (Strabismus)
  • Poor depth perception

At Vizen Optometric Center, we treat binocular issues like these with Vision Therapy (Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation). Vision therapy, consists of supervised visual exercises to develop neural connections between the eyes and brain, challenges the brain to work in harmony with the visual system.

Do you have a child, student, patient, or client who seems to suffer from chronic clumsiness? Please call us today at 626-999- 3177. We would love to help!