✨A Huge Thank You to the San Gabriel Valley Optometric Society!✨

Dr. Cao is incredibly honored and grateful to receive this prestigious award as President of the San Gabriel Valley Optometric Society (SGVOS). Special thanks to the SGVOS board for their unwavering support and assistance in making all of our optometric events a success. Cheers to furthering our mission to improving patient care and growing our optometric profession. 🌟  

#Gratitude #OptometryExcellence #SGVOptometricSociety 
#ExcellenceInEyeCare #SGVOS #COA #californiaoptometricassociation 
#optometrist #eyedoctor #optometry #eyecare #eyecareprofessionals  #
sangabrieloptometrist #supportsmallbusiness 
#vizenoptometriccenter #familyeyecare