Summer Special Promotion 2024!

What is Dry Eye Syndrome? 

Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) is a common condition that occurs when your eyes do not have enough tears for adequate lubrication. It can lead to visual symptoms such as redness, grittiness, burning sensation, watery eyes or even blurred vision.

What is Dry Eye Therapy?

Dry eye therapy is a prescribed non-invasive therapy treatment plan that decreases dry eyes. It minimizes the blockage of oil tear ducts with its warm and soothing technology. This technology is proven to treat the root of the problem versus simply masking the symptoms.
Schedule a consultation with our eye doctor to see if this treatment is beneficial for you. Call/text us at 626-999-3177.

Our optometrist and team here at Vizen Optometrist Center looks forward to relieving your dry eye symptoms and improving your quality of life!